PLEASE READ AND SHARE THE FOLLOWING WARNING WITH OTHER PARENTS The FDA has warned parents against the use of traditional over the counter teething medications that help by numbing your child's gums. Serious harm can come to your child from using numbing medications to soothe their aching gums. This is direct from the FDA's website: "Danger Signs Symptoms of methemoglobinemia include:
pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips and nail beds
shortness of breath
rapid heart rate
“Symptoms can occur within minutes to hours after benzocaine use,” Ghods says. “They can occur after using the drug for the first time, as well as after several uses.”
"If your child has any of these symptoms after using benzocaine," she adds, stop using the product and seek medical help immediately by calling 911."
Methemoglobinemia caused by benzocaine may require treatment with medications and admission to a hospital. Serious cases should be treated right away. If left untreated or if treatment is delayed, methemoglobinemia may cause permanent injury to the brain and body tissues, and even death, from the insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood." Please take the time to read over the FDA warnings about such over the counter medications as Anbesol, Hurricaine, Orajel, baby Orajel, and Orbase, just to name a few.
There have also been several publication against the use of Tylenol or Acetaminophen for teething pain in young children and infants. Why Tylenol is Trouble Just Say NO to Tylenol
These Adorable amber teething necklaces are a safe, effective, and an adorable way to reduce drooling, inflammation, and pain from teething.
Contrary to popular belief, Amber teething necklaces, when used as directed, are safe and effective. There are no documented deaths or injuries from amber necklaces to date, and this has been a teething method used for centuries in Europe. It is strongly suggested that parents always supervise their baby while wearing their amber necklace, or anything around their babies neck. It is also strongly suggested that parents not let baby sleep with the necklace around their neck, but rather take it off and wrap it around their ankle, or purchase a bracelet/anklet for naps and night time.
With that said my daughter has been wearing amber since she was 3 months old and is now 2 years old. I noticed a huge difference in her when she is not wearing her amber. She cut 4 top teeth all at once and I didn't even know she was cutting them until after they had already came in, and I only noticed because she bi me while nursing.. I attribute me not noticing her teething to the amber necklace she wears. Amber has been a life saver, and I hope I can help other families realize the healing power of amber too.
Other Citing about the danger of OTC teething agents: